Balancing Cashflow and Profitability for Business Success

Distinguishing between cashflow and profit is crucial for managing a successful business. Both serve distinct financial purposes and understanding their differences is essential. Profit, also known as net income, is the outcome of subtracting expenses from revenue, while cashflow reflects the movement of cash in and out of a business. Positive cashflow indicates more money coming in, whereas negative cashflow indicates more money going out.

How to Increase Cash-flow in Your Business

Free cashflow is the lifeblood of business, not only is it a sign of profitability but also provides a resource to help you grow your business into the future. Free cashflow is what’s left after all your expenses – think rent, wages, finance repayments, taxes. Having enough free cashflow in your business eliminates one of the most common business owner headaches – and taking control is not so difficult – it just requires a little planning, enlightenment and system changes.