Preparing your team post Covid to come back stronger in 2022

There’s no denying that the onset of Covid-19 has led to some dramatic changes to the way we work. Whether you’ve had to learn to operate as a remote workforce, gained your black belt in time management due to the constant juggle of work and home school, or if you’ve had to reposition your products or services for new markets due to ongoing restrictions. These are just some of the challenges our workforces have been faced with over a long couple of years.

JobKeeper 2.0 – What you need to know

The JobKeeper wage subsidy scheme is being extended into March 2021. Before you jump for joy too much, there’s a few changes that you will need to be across.

JobKeeper 2.0 Alternative Tests

JobKeeper 2.0 again requires businesses to qualify on decline in turnover. You can again use the JobKeeper Alternative Tests if you don’t satisfy the Ordinary Tests.