How are Sole Traders taxed in Australia?

Whether you’re just starting as a sole trader, contemplating a shift in your business structure as a company owner, or an established sole trader looking to project your tax obligations for the upcoming year, it’s crucial to gain a clear understanding of how tax rates function for sole traders in Australia.

Is a Sole Trader Business Structure right for you?

Sole Trader business structures are quite easy and inexpensive to set up. As a sole trader, you are personally responsible for all of the operations (including debts) of your business. You also pay tax personally on the profits at your marginal tax rate.

Home Office Expenses – Tax Basics

This is a topic we are asked about more and more as there is a move towards people working from home either for an employer or for themselves in a main or side business. Our guidance differs depending on if you own your own home or if you rent.

When is my Hobby a Business?

Most businesses stem from a passion, and many passions show themselves in our recreational and hobby activities.  The lines begin to blur when we start making money from what we love, whether it be a full time or ‘spare time’ pursuit.

Motor Vehicle Deductions – The Basics

The methods for claiming your car expenses have changed in the last 12 months in an effort to ‘simplify’ the way deductions are made.