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14 Tax Considerations for Business Owners

As a small business owner too, we know how busy EOFY can be. So, we’ve pulled together 14 tax considerations for Business Owners, to help you prepare for your 2022 Tax Return.

How Capital Gains Tax Impacts Property Sales

When you sell an asset (let’s say a property), you will do so at a profit, a loss, or you’ll come out even. If you’re lucky enough to come out with a profit, that profit you receive is called your Capital Gain. When you complete your tax return, you’re required to report your Capital Gains as well as your Capital Losses, but you only pay tax on your Capital Gains (i.e. when you’ve made a profit). This is called Capital Gains Tax (CGT).

Negative Gearing Rentals to Reduce Tax

While negative gearing is a method commonly applied to rental properties, it can in fact be applied to any type of investment. Essentially, negative gearing is when you borrow money to invest (let’s use the example of property), and you operate at a loss, i.e. your rental income is less than what it costs you to hold the property. When it comes to rental properties, there are a number of things you can claim as a deduction in an effort to boost your costs and come out “negatively geared”.

Reduce Tax and Increase Superannuation

Making additional contributions into your superannuation is just one method you can use to reduce the tax you pay each year, which can be particularly appealing to higher income earners who consequently see higher proportions of their salaries disappear on tax. However, it’s not just higher income earners who can benefit from this strategy.

2022 Tax Tips

Let’s not sugar coat it – each year we pay large sums in taxes (some more than others depending on what you earn…. AND what you can claim). You earnt it, so we want to help you keep it (well, as much of it as possible). Ultimately, that comes down to knowing what you can and should be claiming, and that’s where we come in.

Disaster Recovery Funding Now Open

Small businesses in the eligible defined areas listed below who were directly impacted by the recent South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, 22 February – 7 March 2022 may now apply for Disaster Recovery Funding of up to $50,000.

Director ID Requirements

From 1 November 2021 (now) all company directors in Australia will need to apply for a unique Director Identification Number (DIN). Your DIN will be used by ASIC in a similar way to how the ATO uses your TFN – that is, it is a unique number that will be issued once you have verified your identity with Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS).

Stapling of Superfunds: What is it, and what do you need to do?

There’s some new rules coming into effect from 1 November for ‘Stapling’ of superfunds to employees, and as an employer there are a few things you may need to do to get ready. But before we get into that, let’s take a look at what “Stapling” actually is. Put simply, Stapling is an Australian Government superannuation reform that means an existing super account is linked, or ‘stapled’, to an individual employee so that it follows them as they change jobs.

Job Keeper Wage Subsidy – information for business owners

The Federal Government has introduced the JobKeeper payment to enable conronaviris effected businesses to retain staff. Eligible businesses can claim $1,500 per fortnight per eligible employee for a six month period commencing 30th March 2020. The first claims can be made in the first week of May 2020.

Strategies to increase revenue

We’ve been looking at how visualising your business numbers can help you make strategic decisions in your business. In this article we’re looking at how to decide where you should grow your sales.