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‘Tis the season to talk about Christmas Party Tax Rules

Have you ever wondered how to navigate the Fringe Benefits Tax when planning your business’ Christmas party? Well, fret not! We’ve got you covered with all the details on how to keep the party going without breaking the Christmas budget.

Year End Payroll Tasks for Employers

As we are approaching the end of the financial year, it is important to get the records right to finalise the payroll. Here is an overview of the general year end payroll tasks that you should be working through…

Paying Dividends from Your Trading Company

It is common for owners (shareholders) of companies to want to access the profits that have accumulated over time and use these funds for their personal lifestyle. One way this can be achieved is declaring and paying dividends.

2023 Tax Checklist for Business Owners

As a small business owner too, we know how busy EOFY can be. So, we’ve pulled together 14 tax considerations for Business Owners, to help you prepare for your 2023 Tax Return.

2023 Personal Tax Checklist

With the 2022 Tax season fast approaching, we’ve pulled together 7 tax considerations to pop on your Personal Tax Checklist.

Xero EOFY Payroll Checklist

Remember what to review, report on and reconcile to lodge your STP finalisation declaration on time with this handy checklist from Xero.

2023 Budget Update

Well, as expected there was very minimal announcements for small businesses in last night’s 2023 Federal Budget update. The focus of the budget was mainly at relieving some of the cost-of-living pressures felt by the most vulnerable Australians.

FBT – Time to add up the benefits you have provided staff

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is high on the ATO’s focus … Continued

What To Expect From Your Accountant

Over the years there has been a shift in the type of advice you should expect to receive from your accountant. Gone are the days that you would visit your accountant’s office once per year to receive reactive advice from what is now seen as an “old-school accountant”. Relationships between clients and their accountant have become much less transactional, with it becoming more of a partnership.

Proposed Super Changes to Members with $3m+

The past few weeks have been full of many whispers regarding tinkering with superannuation following the announcement that the government was going to review the ‘objective’ of superannuation.