Negative Gearing Rentals to Reduce Tax

While negative gearing is a method commonly applied to rental properties, it can in fact be applied to any type of investment. Essentially, negative gearing is when you borrow money to invest (let’s use the example of property), and you operate at a loss, i.e. your rental income is less than what it costs you to hold the property. When it comes to rental properties, there are a number of things you can claim as a deduction in an effort to boost your costs and come out “negatively geared”.

Investment Property Deductions

You’re looking to buy an investment property and wondering how it will affect your tax situation?

Firstly, it’s important to note the difference between a residential or commercial property. If you purchase a residential investment property, there is no GST applicable. This also means you cannot claim any GST, however a commercial property will require you to charge GST and lodge BAS on a Quarterly basis. There will also likely be GST on the purchase and sale which you need to consider.