Proposed Super Changes to Members with $3m+

The past few weeks have been full of many whispers regarding tinkering with superannuation following the announcement that the government was going to review the ‘objective’ of superannuation.

Xero Users to enrol in STP (Phase 2) by 31 March

If you employ staff or have contractors you pay superannuation for you need to ensure you’re set up for Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2.

Day-to-Day Xero Tasks Checklist

If you’ve recently set up your Xero account and need a little bit of guidance with regular day-to-day tasks, you’re in luck! We’ve pulled together a quick checklist for you, covering some of the most common tasks you’ll need to be across to get the most out of Xero.

Setting up Xero Checklist

You’ve made the decision to adopt Xero for your small business, and now it’s time to get it up and running. We’ve pulled together a quick checklist to help guide you through the set up stage, with some helpful links to Xero resources for more information.

Are Client Christmas Gifts Tax Deductible?

If you’re considering giving some client Christmas gifts this year, in most circumstances these will be tax deductible to your business.

Christmas Tax Rules: Christmas Parties and Staff Gifts

We find a lot of businesses get really confused as to what they can/can’t claim and if there are any Fringe Benefits Tax consequences to the entertainment they provide to their staff and associates as a result of Christmas festivities.

Home Office Expenses – Tax Basics

This is a topic we are asked about more and more as there is a move towards people working from home either for an employer or for themselves in a main or side business. Our guidance differs depending on if you own your own home or if you rent.

When is my Hobby a Business?

Most businesses stem from a passion, and many passions show themselves in our recreational and hobby activities.  The lines begin to blur when we start making money from what we love, whether it be a full time or ‘spare time’ pursuit.

The Value of a Good Bookkeeper

It is at times a job that some people discount as not as ‘important’ as the advisor or accountant. But as the advisor at the other end I can tell you that a good bookkeeper is worth their weight in gold!

2016/2017 Federal Budget Overview for Small Business

Small businesses operating as companies are one of the bigger winners out of this year’s budget.